I've frequented this site almost every day without fail* for the last decade.
I've had several accounts in that space of time, and I've seen good stuff come and good stuff go. Trends have developed, trends have died out, big deal. No matter what, I consider Newgrounds.com a home from home.
ANYWAY....I've met The Swain in real life and he's fucking lovely. I mean he's really REALLY lovely, He's modest, he's a gentleman, he's a charmer and he's an entertainer. I've also heard from several very reliable sources that Rtil is lovely too. He may play tough online but I hear he's a total puppydog irl and I for one look forward to shaking that li'l paw of his.
So what the fuck guys?
What are lovely people doing slugging it out online?
I'm going to take a wild leap here and assume that Rtil started all this....being the cheeky little scamp he is. He has his opinions as we all do, so he might hate video game parodies and and a few other things, so big deal. I can live with my opinions, I don't need to turn them in to virulent personal insults. For example, I can't believe that cunt Fred has a million subscribers on Youtube, I think it sucks ass that far better artists are left to eat his dust but BIG DEAL. It's just my opinion.
At the end of the day, we're just a bunch of filmmakers hoping beyond hope someone will watch our goofy little animations and get a kick out of it. Why do we gotta squabble huh?
We all know the pain of sitting at a desk for hours upon hours and scratching away at a wacom hoping we might make some adolescent from Milwaukee we've never met giggle at our dumb joke on Newgrounds.com. At the end of the day we're all just that nerdy kid who needed a pen and paper so he could crack a joke. We're not that different from eachother afterall.
Let's all just get together and have one big suckfest.
I love you guys.
Happy Harry
P.S. Rtil, you're too talented to waste your time on teasing.
P.P.S. Swain, you're too talented to waste your time on Rtil.
P.P.P.P.S. Vote for Paper Chase by fellow Newgrounder Valerofond. He's the only one who deserves to win.
* Yes, I recognise the irony.