This was perfection.
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This was perfection.
Real warmth...
I really love this short James. It looks like a picture book come to life. The motion of the girl was fantastic and I really like the colours you chose.
In terms of message I wasn't sure how to interpret the film but that isn't a criticism, I think the tone of the story matched the visuals perfectly. Really really great work.
Cheers Harry, awesome of you to comment, means alot dude! Thanks again for watching!
Glad to see this under the proper user, it's still awesome!
Btw, I just sent you a private message here on NG ;)
Thank you!!!!
What a story Mark!
This is utterly beyond compare.
Amazing work guys. You've brought The Room to Newgrounds.
I'm not just saying this because I love you both (and you know what they say, love is blind) but because this is an outstanding achievement and a fantastic way to celebrate one of the best pieces of entertainment on the planet.
Vive la Wiseau!
No one likes Booster...
I lost it when I realized that I was fighting characters from Christmas movies, Scut Farkus has given me a lot of trouble so far but I intend to go back and whoop that yellowed eyed motherfucker.
Great work.
Haha, glad to see somebody recognized Booster! So many people think he's just a weird looking pink bear. Thanks for playing!
The only reson im giving this a 10 is beacuase of the Plinkett reference at the end. But thats it!!
Well now you ain't getiin' a pizza roll, buddy.
(Ha! Plinkett is quite awesome indeed. I'm a bit surprised it took 100 reviews for anyone to catch that.)
Sweet work Tommy!
You're such a musical magician.
This has a really nostalgic vibe to it. I had no idea you did this sort of stuff, great job.
Such unbridled win...
I want this all over my face.
Haha, I'm glad you appreciate my song :D I felt like Asperchu deserved a theme that was far > than Sonichu since Asperchu is undeniably > than Sonichu.
Taking the guts out of something then carving it up is one of Killgar's favourite things to do.
This is really great. Fantastic work!
This is great praise indeed! thanks
Well, I like it!
But then again maybe I am biased...beaw...beawsed.
Merry Christmas Mrs Sucho.
Hey man, I know stuff like this takes time but this looks great, keep it up!! Would love to see more stuff like this from you. Maybe try just a 30 second short?
well i allways love to do this kind of small animations to improve my FbF animations. so yeah i probably gonna make longer ones in the future
"Why anyone would choose to live in a city where a purple hedgehog watches you have sex with your significant other every night is utterly beyond my comprehension"
Age 37, Male
Animation Sensation
Joined on 7/26/04