"Why anyone would choose to live in a city where a purple hedgehog watches you have sex with your significant other every night is utterly beyond my comprehension"

Harry Partridge @HappyHarry

Age 37, Male

Animation Sensation


Joined on 7/26/04

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Posted by HappyHarry - March 25th, 2009


SO it's been a busy few weeks for me, that Watchmen thing did pretty good business, I'd love to say I'm working on a series to follow it up but I'm afraid that would be horseshit.

Thanks those of you who came out in support of Chuck's New Tux winning for best movie of 2008. I owe you both a beer.

...I know, I didn't deserve to win but I'm not going to look a gift tank down the barrel. Thanks to Tom, the voters and Mindchamber for his awesome video, it was a fantastic honour.


I just read a headline on msn news that said "Boy survives 15 inch rod through eye, huge sandstorm AND CHIMP ATTACK!!".

I was very disappointed to read that these were actually three separate stories...


A while ago I talked about something called 'Killgar's Kwest' which was supposed to be an introductory episode to a potential series called 'Starbarians' but real life got in the way...

Well it's back on track... except now it's just called 'STARBARIANS' (see below). It's my final college project due for May/June so the NG release shouldn't be long after, that might sound like a good long while away but when I sit down and attempt to do an animation time effectively disappears and the next thing you know it's 2015 and Griff Tannen is tearing shit up on a hoverboard outside. . .Fuck you Griff Tannen.

I'm currently failing college due to the amount of time I took out to make Watchmen, so I need to pull my boots up and kick some ass with this new toon. Fingers crossed.

I have another toon finished which will definitely get a release on my youtube channel some time after April - not sure if I'll upload it to NG though as it isn't my best - I wouldn't want to WIN ANY MORE AWARDS LIKE A TOTAL JERK.

Also, I'll be attending the UK Web Comix Thing along with Eddsworld this Saturday, come along (even if you live in Sacramento) and buy a printed version of some shit you can view online for free.

Love to all

HappyHarry87...Oh hold up




woah great news post buddy you had me on the edge of my spinny chair!

Fuck you man.

Good stuff.

Thanks brah.

I feel all special now i've been plugged by Harry..
..Or something that sounds less gay...

http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/18400 000/ngbbs4975ad1e60c4b.jpg

(delete space)

I want to hear about these chimps

I'm sure it was the usual "Severe mauling of nose and testicles" type antics they usually get up to when someone forgets to lock the cage door. Little buggers.

Congrats about getting the 87 off and that other stuff...

It's like a huge disgusting corpuscle has been removed from my back....no wait that's horrible...

It's like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Yes, yes that's much better.

New news is indeed good news.

Thanks man :)

Yay chimps. :3

Gotta love chimps, especially when they're riding segways...

So I'm reading Watchmen, and Rorschack go's into this bar called "Happy Harry's" to look for the guy who killed The Comedian. Coincidence? I think not!

I think so!

Wow... 80's hair is back. :-D

I look forward to seeing the final project!


Me too man, if I ever finish!

God that guy must have taken forever.
Animating him lifting his arm would take you to 2015 alone.
Looks awesome though.

And couldn't you use the Watchmen movie for marks?

Not that easy, my tutors know what I've been up to so I have a good excuse, but I can't use it to my advantage in any other way.

I pooped my pants in enjoyment.

"Tell 14hourlunchbreak what you think of this comment!"

That always seems aggressive to me, like I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind and really let you have it or something. Thanks for dropping by dude.

i want to take you to a gay bar, gay bar GAY BAR!

I'm free Wednesday.

i can see taht the girl in the picture is preety sweet...
long hair... facial make up... boobs...

I'm a complex guy.

Whoa. That guy has a big chin. You made my TV Guide with Saturday Morning Watchmen!

Haha, that's crazy. I've heard mention that it was in a few magazines but I'm yet to see any proof.

Thats some nice drawing right there.
I'm painfully jealous of you talented types

Oh pshawww :3

So You did win the Tank award? AWESOME :D Congratz

That Metal Gear funnies thing was a prank >_>

I did wonder...

i hope that character is actually a female because this drawing gave me a woody

...you've got a friend in me...


Toy Story joke? Really?


Now my both favourite artists got to work together, couldn't think of anything else better so far. I couldn't go to see it, but o' well, truely good news.

I'm only going so I can throat slam him through a table.

Its in the UK?!

When will you grace us with your presence in America Harry?

Oh well, look forward to Starbarians. The image you posted almost makes it look like your attempting a serious non-comedic adventure story...but I know better :D

I can't promise anything but it's probable I'll be at Comicon '09.

As for the notion of me doing serious....LAWL!

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