Big ass review for you
I know you've been absolutely swamped with reviews because of this cartoon's (very rightful) front page status. But I sincerely hope you get a chance to check this one out.
First things first, that kicked ass, and kicking ass is so important. Part of me wants to review this like an adult and go in to the technicalities of what made this such a good flash both visibly and story-wise, but I can see you know what you're doing, and I'd only be highlighting stuff you already know you've done, all you need to know is, that my friend, kicked some serious ass.
The reason why I'm praising this so much is for the reason that makes all excellent flashes on this site special, the fact that if this was on TV, it would still hold up. Realistically If I saw a lot of this site's front page submitions on TV, I'd change the channel pronto, but this is close to being as good as any pilot episode of a kid's TV show that you could catch on telly.
The direction of this was spot on, loads of movement, great angles, hilarious character animation and very thrilling action (I was rooting for Adam man!) and for the work of one person, it's pretty dope stuff. I haven't checked out your profile yet but if you don't do animation for a living I'll be shocked, if not, you totally have the talent to direct this stuff for a living man.
As an artist, my one criticism is a visual one, and if you care to know, it is that I thought the thin lines (though super slick) were too thin, and a chunkier bolder line would have matched the toyish looking characters, that however is pretty much it. I love this, it's great.
Take care man
over and out
-happy harry