Fascinatingly awful...
Rob, about 8 minutes in to this I was wrestling with whether or not I would leave you an honest review, I wanted to like this, but it was an absolute ordeal to watch. Had you spent less time on this I would have spared you my ranting but as it's clear this was a really big project I feel I owe you my two cents in the hope they can help with future endeavors.
This was absolutely insane. Like a kind of abstract experiment in endurance. I've read that you intended it to be "cutesy" but it didn't come across that way for me.
Firstly, the music was relentless and scary, like something from a Residents album, I don't think you meant for it to be so ominous and hammering, but I kind of liked it.
The real problem for me was the story and understanding the relationship between the characters as I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be taken literally. If so, why was a child in kindergarten dating a curvaceous woman? Were they children or adults?? Were they supposed to be symbolic depictions of personality types? It didn't seem as if you were going for symbolism so I was left with total confusion as to what in hell was going on. As a love story I couldn't care about their struggle as Glenn just came across as completely insane and annoying. Really, what was his problem?
The art had a kind of weird patchwork effect which was occasionally pretty but often looked messy with all the stretched textures next to the slick vector characters. I think you should have stuck with one art style and that would have been better.
I just can't get over what was supposed to be happening at any given moment. It felt way too long and devoid of a story, combine that with the soundtrack and crazy images and it just makes for a total assault on the senses. I didn't hate this, as a piece of Lynchian nighmtmare-fuel set to the score from Pee Wee's Big Adventure on meth it was very fun, but I really don't think that's what you were going for.
Don't hate me man.