So this is a big greasy serving of update stew from my animation kitchen, part fresh, part way past its sell by date, and all stuff I want to talk about.
Firstly, Starbarians Episode II is 100% finished! It is 4 minutes long and is the first part of a script I wrote well over a year ago and have been animating since. I foolishly anticipated the script would generate a 4 minute cartoon but it looks to be closer to triple that which dragged the process out horribly. Instead, I will stick to the 3-4 minute standard set by the first episode and release as many episodes as is necessary to tell this story which I aim to conclude by the years end.
Episode II was partly funded by youtube animation channel Huha who will be hosting it on their youtube channel some time soon (and not my definition of soon, but an actual human beings) and will be here on Newgrounds a week after.
Finally, back in January I put out a trailer for the year to come, saying I would make a video a month for the whole of 2013 and in doing so made a really dumb decision. I put totally unwarranted belief in my ability to become some sort of animation dervish if I just had enough pressure. In truth, I worked SUPER hard on a lot of new projects but just couldn't finish them on time.
The nice news is I now have several things that are mostly done which I can pick back up with and hopefully end the year very strong on. Here's to a good fall/winter!
Woohoo, a good fall/winter for all!!!